Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


The GameMax RGB1050 Power Supply Unit with the Multi-Coloured LED-Backlighting

GameMax presented its new RGB line product for thrifty consumers, called RGB1050. This power supply features modular cabling, as well as LED-backlighting, and is able to endure the 1050 W load. The illumination is inactivated by default. One must push the “RGB Light” button to switch it on and adjust colouring. Images on the manufacturer’s web-site indicate, LEDs highlight the frame of the 140 mm fan and the GameMax logo on one of the side panels.


The GameMax RGB1050 power supply complies with the ATX12V v2.3 standard, is 80 PLUS Gold certified and has an active power factor erecting mechanism. The power supply protection system comes into action in the cases of short circuit, over- and undervoltage, alongside with the maximum permissible wattage or current intensity exceedence.


The novelty has one +12V (80 А/960 W) line. The ultimate load over the +3.3V and +5V channels must not overcome 130 W. The supply kit offers cables fitting the ATX, …

Future Technologies are Right Here with Sharp PN-K321H Monitor

IGZO, an advanced technology employing semiconductors on Indium, Gallium, Zinc, and Oxide basis, is gradually penetrating PC monitors industry. It is called to ensure an ultra-high pixel density and, as a result, — an ultra-high sharpness. For sure, being an innovative approach in the development of monitors, end-products currently cost a pretty penny. Sharp is considered to be a pioneer in this endeavor, vigorously implementing IGZO panel in its latest displays.

Hence, Sharp has officially announced the launch of a new 32-inch monitor based on IGZO array and entitled PN-K321H. It features 35 mm case depth, 16:9 aspect ratio, and quite wide viewing angles. According to the manufacturer, the nominal resolution index is estimated as 3840x2160 pixels. The display is housed on a voluminous stand that enables its rotation at 90 degrees to achieve portrait mode arrangement.

Due to the implementation of IGZO panel with high electron mobility, Sharp has managed to attain the …

Aerocool Introduces New Gamers Enclosure XPredator X3

Aerocool has recently supplemented its PGS-B enclosure series with a new product – XPredator X3. This chassis is delivered in mid-tower format and supports motherboards of micro-ATX and ATX form-factor. It is mainly targeted at consumers who spend much of their time playing games or working with various applications. The new model goes in three color versions: White Edition where the chassis features white and black coloring, Devil Red Edition where red and black colors dominate, and Evil Black Edition where black color is combined with orange. The manufacturer equipped its chassis with LED lighting of blue, red and orange tints, depending on the predominant color.

Aerocool XPredator X3 casings are made of solid steel and go with grid-like clipboard. They are furnished with eight expansion slots, three 5.25 inch external bays, eight internal bays for 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch HDDs or SSDs. In addition, the top panel accommodates a special dock-station for the integration of a …

PCI devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi PCI devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek PCI devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : PCI devices

Bus I/o PCI wieħed mill-għodod l-aktar komuni għall-konnessjoni periferali li l-kompjuter tiegħek għoli. Bħala regola, it-tul kollu għoli għandha għad-dispożizzjoni tagħha sa seba slots tal-dan l-istandard li jippermettilek li jgħaqqdu numru korrispondenti tat-tagħmir għall-finijiet differenti: l-espansjoni tal-karta, l-netwerk tal-karti, ospitanti-kontrolluri, modems, issuq kontrolluri, il-karti tal-ħoss u l-grafika adapters.

Mill-utent tal-punt tal-fehma PCItagħmir huwa plug u logħob, grazzi għall-appoġġ mod Plagg-u l-Play. Immedjatament wara l-konnessjoni ta'l-softwer tal-kompjuter teżamina l-konfigurazzjoni tal-ħlas/kontrollur/adapter u tniżżil dan ix-xogħol. Jekk l-OS ma tistax tiddetermina l-tip tal-konness-karta, li jfisser li għandek bżonn biex taġġorna jew tniżżel is-sewwieqa għal PCI - mezzi.

Bus PCI għandu l-bits: 2.0, 3.0, PCI-X, mini-PCI, PCI Jesprimu, mini-PCI Express. L-aktar moderna-apparat periferali appoġġ wieħed ta ' l-aħħar żewġ ċifri. Dan huwa minħabba li l-veloċità għolja ħafna u sinjuri-funzjonalità. Għalhekk, bus PCI Jesprimu tippermetti li tagħmel sħun il-bdil ta'karti għall-kontroll ta'l-integrità tal-trażmissjoni tad-dejta, u għall-kontroll ta'l-konsum tal-enerġija tal-konness-apparat.

Sadanittant, il-bus-istandard tal - mini-PCI Jesprimu magħmula biex taħdem bi portabbli apparat li teħtieġ speċjali sewwieqa għal PCI - mezzi. Fl-il-lista tal-kompatibbli hardware jinkludi l-modems GSM, riċevituri tal - GPS, l-imposti Wi-Fi, mapep Wi-MAX, dettalji minuri li ssuq, il-kontrolluri jgħaqqdu l - SATA- apparat kontrolluri jgħaqqdu l - USB-mezzi, SMBus, il-kontrolluri COMil-portijiet, is-sejbiet għall-indikatur tal-Led, eċċ.


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