Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


All-in-One PC AIO 307 from iRU with Pre-Installed Windows 8

IRU announces the release of a new all-in-one PC codenamed AIO 307. Earlier the company launched AIO 304 model that was distinguished by some prominent specifications. However, AIO 307 is a product of a new generation with more elaborated design and internal layout, as said by the developers. The promoted PC will be represented by six different configurations with the employment of various CPUs, RAM and HDD capacity.

Upon the whole, iRU AIO 307 is based either on Intel Core i3-2130 or Intel Core i5-3450 processors. RAM volume capacity might achieve 6GB, while there are configurations where HDD capacity equals to 1TB. Graphics subsystem is introduced by Nvidia GeForce GT 630M 1GB graphics adapter. But what is more striking, it's the availability of PCs with a pre-installed Windows 8 OS.

PC AIO 304 design can be characterized by elegance and functionality. Its 21.5-inch display features Full HD resolution (1920x1080). All control buttons are located under the screen; they …

New Gaming PC Chassis Versa G2 from Thermaltake

Thermaltake, a renowned Taiwanese PC hardware developer, has officially divulged the specifications of its new gaming chassis, codenamed Versa G2. The belonging to the gaming echelon is vindicated primarily by an eye-catching design. The casing is developed in mid-tower form factor, and is made of a durable steel (SGCC) and plastic. Its side plate contains an acrylic window with a few ventilation grids that showcase the internal layout of the chassis.

Thermaltake Versa G2 features 481x196x429 mm dimensions and is alloted for seven PCI/PCI Express expansion cards. It supports motherboard of ATX and micro-ATX standard and is notable by lower PSU localization. The internal spacing within the enclosure is sufficient for the installation of CPU cooler not more than 155 mm in height and of graphics card not more than 320 mm in length. The model is equipped with three external 5.25-inch drives and a single 3.5-inch drive, as well as with five internal 3.5-inch and a single 2.5-inch …

ASUS ROG Swift XG258Q Is a Superfast Full HD Gaming Monitor Featuring the 1 ms Response Time

ASUS broadens the range of ROG gaming devices with its latest Swift XG258Q monitor, which obtained the 24.5-inch TN matrix and the 1920 × 1080 pixels resolution.

This Full HD screen features the following key specs: the ultra-fast 1 ms response time (gray to gray), 240 Hz refresh rate, 400 cd/m2 brightness, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 170 (horizontally) and 160 (vertically) viewing angles.

Due to the adaptive AMD FreeSync technology applied, the specialty from ASUS offers a dynamic refresh rate. The ASUS-peculiar GamePlus hotkey provides best possible gameplay. Ultra-low blue light filters protect customers’ eyes. Multi-coloured ASUS Aura RGB lighting should also be brought into focus. Thin bezels allow utilizing the panel in multi-view configurations.

The set of ports includes HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort and HDMI 1.4. The ergonomically constructed stand ensures various tilt, swivel or height options. Thus, the landscape orientation can be easily changed to the portrait one.
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, il-lista tal-mudelli

Agħżel il-mudell tal tiegħek Network services & protocols mill-kumpanija WS mill-lista 54321-mudelli ppreżentati fuq din il-paġna. Fl-tagħna bażi tad-dejta ta'aktar minn 654963-sewwieqa li tista'tniżżel assolutament b'xejn.

L-interazzjoni tal-kompjuters fil-LAN u l-konnessjoni mal-Internet ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr speċjali tan-netwerk tas-servizzi. Dawn is-servizzi jipprovdu-iskambju tad-dejta bejn il-magni, jipprovdi aċċess mill-bogħod għat-tagħmir u l-fajls li jinsabu fuq kull PC fuq il-netwerk, u jippermetti li jwettaq diversi online l-operazzjonijiet (eż., jibgħat l-emails, l-organizzazzjoni tal-vidjo, eċċ.). Biex jinħoloq netwerk bħal dan, inti l-ewwel jeħtieġ li tniżżel l-sewwieqa għall-netwerk tas-servizzi u l-protokolli.

Biex tuża l-karatteristiċi kollha (servizzi) ipprovduti minn netwerk ta'servizz fuq il-PC huwa rakkomandat li jinstallaw l-servizz tal-klijenti. Għall-istess is-servizz jista'jkun hemm diversi klijenti li huma differenti fil-funzjonalità u l-interface. Meta inti aċċess għall-server ma'kwalunkwe talba tal-klijent juża l-Protokoll speċifiku (ir-regola għall-server-servizz).

Għall-implimentazzjoni tal-Protokoll responsabbli mill-apparat speċjali – l-internet. Il-kompitu ewlieni tagħhom huwa li jgħaqqad l-separati tan-netwerks fi wieħed kompost netwerk li jipprovdi aċċess kondiviż għad-dejta. Trasferiment tad-data l-router juża waħda minn diversi rotot (sekwenza li għandhom jgħaddu l-data tal-pakkett dwar il-passaġġ minn min jibgħat l-destinazzjoni node). Router li jiddetermina l-aħjar mod, filwaqt li jqis dawn il-kriterji bħala l-ħin ta ' passaġġ tal-rotta u l-kwalità tal-konnessjoni.

Is-servizzi eżistenti kollha huma implimentati fl-żewġ modi: in-netwerk tas-sistema operattiva (il-fajl tas-servizz u l-istampar ta'servizz) u l-sistema applikazzjonijiet/għodod (databases, faks). Kkonfigurat kull servizz individwali huwa soltu li l-użu l-muturi għat-netwerk tas-servizzi u l-protokolli.

Barra minn hekk, hemm servizzi individwali, iżda mhux għall-utent regolari u amministraturi tas-sistema. Dawn jintużaw biex torganizza x-xogħol fil-netwerk lokali kollha, kif ukoll għall-monitoraġġ tas-sistema, in-netwerk tat-traffiku tal-analiżi, l-amministrazzjoni tal-utent tal-kontijiet u l-operazzjonijiet l-oħra, b'mod partikolari.

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