Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Two-Fold Advantages of E-Book WEXLER.BOOK Т7004

People of different ages, professions, cultural and ethnical traditions find electronic books a great technological invention. Such laudatory words are not vain as far as those portative devices can serve the personal needs of every individual and be a high-end accessory simultaneously. The emergence of WEXLER.BOOK Т7004 in the e-book market is supposed to become a real breakthrough for the developers.

WEXLER.BOOK Т7004 is a multi-purpose device used to revel in multifarious options. It can be employed directly as the book for reading and as the device for watching video, listening to music and FM-radio. The e-book can be also employed as the tool to manage text files in DOC format. WEXLER.BOOK Т7004 is equipped with TFT screen and LED highlight which ensure the quality of displayed information despite the level of lighting. Besides, the e-book goes with the embedded memory card at the capacity of four GB. Thus, the device can enclose up to two hundred thousand books at a …

Scythe Teases a Hard-Hitting Ninja 4 CPU Cooler

Scythe Co. Ltd., an award-winning Japanese designer of enthusiast-level cooling solutions, has expanded its Ninja series of CPU coolers with another model – Ninja 4. The new-comer boasts 130x155x153 mm dimensions and supports all updated platforms developed by AMD and Intel, including Intel LGA 2011-3. Currently, pricing info and release date remain undefined.

Scythe Ninja 4 consists of a huge aluminum cross-type heatsink with a copper footing, a nickel-plated base, and six nickel-plated U-shape heatpipes. The framework is designed according to M.A.P.S. technology that ensures the maximum airflow; besides, air is able to circulate through the tiniest heatsink ribs.

The mission to provide an efficient airflow is entitled to a single 120 mm fan with texturized blades which reduce turbulence and, correspondingly, the vibration between the heatsink and the frame. The fan, fixed by Back-Plate 2 clamp, is capable to produce up to 84.6 CFM airflow at the maximal noise level of …

The Curved LG UltraWide 34UC89G Monitor Is Available at $1000

LG Electronics announced an UltraWide 34UC89G PC monitor, mostly intended for gaming purposes.

This 34” wide-screen novelty has a curved IPS panel with the 2560 × 1080 pixels resolution. Key specifications include the 300 cd/m2 brightness level, 1000:1 contrast ratio, 5 ms response time, 178 degrees viewing angles and the 21:9 aspect ratio. 34UC89G ensures 99% coverage of the sRGB colour gamut. Preselected colour settings are managed via the Onscreen Control software.

The display supports the NVIDIA G-Sync adaptive synchronization technology, delivering smooth image transfer. The refresh rate is 166 Hz. On top of everything, the latest LG monitor offers several gaming functions and modes, namely Black Stabilizer (supplies clear imaging in dark zones) and Dynamic Action Sync (accelerates game dynamics).

Among interface options one can find an HDMI 1.4, a DisplayPort 1.2 connectors, as well as a dual-ported USB hub. The manufacturer estimated its specialty to cost …

Memory card devices, il-lista tal-manifatturi

Fuq din il-paġna tista'ssib il-lista tal-manifatturi Memory card devices-sewwieqa tista'tniżżel fuq il-websajt tagħna. Għall-aħjar tfittxija għal xierqa mutur barra mill 654963 disponibbli fid-database tagħna, agħżel il-manifattur ta tiegħek Memory card devices mill 25142 ppreżentati f'din it-taqsima.

DevID : : Memory card devices

L-aktar moderna diġitali mezzi multimedja (ritratt/video-kameras, l-atturi awdjo, eċċ.) huma prodotti b'ammont limitat ta intern tal-memorja, li huwa ħafna drabi insuffiċjenti biex jaħżnu l-ammonti kbar ta'l-informazzjoni. Biex jiżdied l-ammont ta ' ħażna speċjali apparat tal-ħażna tal – karta tal-memorja. Tal-memorja tal-karta tad-dejta jistgħu jiġu mċaqilqa għall-wieqfa PC jew laptop, iżda mingħajr ma l – AIDS - qarrejja – biex jimplimentaw dan se jkun possibbli.

Il-qarrej apparat maħsub għall-qari tad-dejta tal-karti tal-memorja. Għall-koordinat ix-xogħol bil-kompjuter/laptop li jieħdu għalija sewwieq speċjali għall-tagħmir għall-karti tal-memorja. Hemm qarrejja kompatibbli mal wieħed biss il-format tal-karti tal-memorja (eż., SD), għalkemm illum mifruxa mudell universali, li jappoġġja l-diversi formati differenti (UFS, HEDGE BIĊĊIET I, CF, Cfast eċċ.).

L-mudelli kollha tal-qarrejja mill-tip ta'konnessjoni biex il-PC jistgħu jiġu kklassifikati fi interni u esterni.

Intern huma installati apparati 2.5-/3.5-pulzier-ħażna tal-kompartiment tal-ġewwa s-sistema tal-unità. Dawn huma normalment ikkaratterizzat mill-appoġġ tal kollha tal-karti popolari formati. Tagħhom biss żvantaġġ – l-inkapaċità li jgħaqqdu l-portabbli PC (laptop, ultrabook, nettop).

Esterni qarrejja jkunu kisbu popolarità minħabba li l-konnettività tal-esterni interface USB kemm desktop u kompjuters laptop (permezz tal-USB tal-kejbil.) Dawn is-soluzzjonijiet tipikament ikollhom l-daqs żgħir, li jagħmilhom trasportabbli. Jekk tuża mezzi esterni huwa meħtieġ li tqis li l-li jgħaqqdu l-diversi sistemi tal-bżonn li tniżżel is-sewwieqa għall-tagħmir għall-karti tal-memorja li huma kompatibbli mal-settings tal-installata sistema operattiva.


Popolari sewwieq tal-kategorija Memory card devices